How can I play this game on Local Area Network? Please, provide instructions.
Answer by
Stephen Prastman
After downloading and installing Knight's Gambit, go to the game's installation folder (right-click the shortcut on your desktop, go to Properties and click on Open File Location) and run a tool called NetServ. Click the Server IP button and jot down the address that's being shown. Now, run Knight's Gambit, select New Game, then Network Game and enter the address you've previously written in the server address field. Lastly, give the IP address to the second player and have him connect to it the same way.
How can I play this game on Local Area Network? Please, provide instructions.
After downloading and installing Knight's Gambit, go to the game's installation folder (right-click the shortcut on your desktop, go to Properties and click on Open File Location) and run a tool called NetServ. Click the Server IP button and jot down the address that's being shown. Now, run Knight's Gambit, select New Game, then Network Game and enter the address you've previously written in the server address field. Lastly, give the IP address to the second player and have him connect to it the same way.